I created a tool to streamline a process that I have been told is common for people working with photogrammetry data: Photogrammetry JPEG XMP Metadata Updater.

Given a CSV file1 and a directory of images, this tool will update the XMP metadata for the images to match the latitude, longitude, and altitude specified in the CSV for that file. This is useful when your camera GPS metadata is less accurate than the GPS metadata from another source.

This tool produces a ZIP archive of the results, because the FileSystem API is not yet widely supported on all browsers. The processing of all loaded files and the generation of the ZIP archive occurs entirely within your own browser and does not rely on an active network connection. You should be able to run this tool in your browser with your device in “airplane mode” after it is initially loaded.

Please let me know in the associated toot how it works out for you. It looks like the UAV drone space could use some helpful tools but I need user feedback to do this well. I’d love to “dog food” it but I lack the equipment and licensing.

  1. with a fixed column order, currently ↩︎